Meet the Co-Founder, Senior Designer, and Art Lead of Cryptomeda — Dusan Trizuliak

7 min readJul 16, 2021


Get to know Cryptomeda’s team with this interview of our Co-founder, Dusan Trizuliak!

Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about what you’re working on at Cryptomeda?

What is going on, Meda Heros! My name is Dusan Trizuliak, and besides co-founding this project with my closest friends, I am also the Arts Director of our project. I am responsible for everything design-related: concept art, character development, storytelling, UX/UI design, graphic design, animations. Indeed, I can’t do everything by myself. I have a passionate, hardworking, enthusiastic team behind me, supporting me and bringing our ideas to life. My current primary focus is on game development, where we are in a phase of building design and technical documentation of our mobile game, Meda Wars.

How did you get into crypto?

I started to take cryptocurrency seriously from the moment when Martin Jerabek introduced me to the crypto world sometime during 2018. He was already very knowledgeable of cryptocurrency and shared his insights into how this technology will change and shape the world. At that time, we were thinking about some ideas we can make alive, but we were deciding on the right niche. After discovering the NFT sector, we were confident that this is the future we want to be part of.

What is exciting to you right now in the crypto space?

Crypto is the future of our financial system. I am excited about NFTs and income possibilities for anyone who will be part of it. Our goal is to create a platform where the community will have fun and earn income simultaneously — this truly excites me.

What do you see as the future of NFTs?

I have been in the design/art field for more than a decade, and I can tell you that NFTs are bringing so many potential art/design job opportunities. I believe some people underestimate the value of Art. I want to influence their mindsets and perspectives, and that’s why we are creating a platform where anyone is free to share their creativity or their crypto story, regardless of skill sets or experience. It is an open opportunity for their stories will be included through Cryptomeda world, be rewarded, or even get jobs with Cryptomeda.

What do you think the most significant challenges are right now at Cryptomeda?

At Cryptomeda, we have many great ideas to implement within our game and ecosystem; however, it is challenging to get the right talents to speed up our development process. While there is a sense of urgency to hasten our recruitment process, we are also exceptionally thorough and stringent in selecting the right person for the job. Ultimately, we want motivated and happy talents to work with our team for the long haul.

How would you explain Cryptomeda to someone who just came across the project?

Would you like to play games, have fun, and earn an income all at the same time? Cryptomeda is a Play-To-Earn game that leverages on NFT technology. Besides earning TECH tokens which can be a form of additional income, you can also find in-game NFT assets that can be traded for or forge into better items that you can resale on our open marketplace. It’s something you can get into regardless of your gaming experience.

What do you think about the future of gaming?

I honestly think that gaming will continue to flourish within the crypto and NFT space. Traditionally, gamers have spent their time gaming on non-crypto games, having to spend money on games with little to no revenue stream, nor could they sell their in-game purchases when they desire so. With the gaming and crypto combination, gamers can have fun and yet earn income simultaneously. Furthermore, time is precious. With the inclusion of NFTs into gaming, it can cut out that feeling of “I have spent all my free time just playing the game when I could have done something productive instead.” Not anymore, Sir. Thanks to NFTs, gaming will be productive and it is power to the gamers.

What does Blockchain technology mean for the gaming industry?

Besides gaming and earning income at the same time, I see value in NFT collectibles as well. We have seen NFT collectibles traded for unbelievable amounts, especially since the start of the Crypto Kitties craze. Personally, I like the idea of creating and collecting NFT items from the game that originates from our physical world and vice versa. We want to explore this in our project as well.

What previous experience do you have with gaming?

Where can I start? I have been a vivid PC gamer my whole life. In fact our entire team is very game-driven. I started gaming professionally with StarCraft BroodWar when I was just 11 years old. I have spent an enormous amount of hours playing World of Warcraft. My favorite games were Fallout 2, Diablo 2. I am a big fan of RPG games with great storytelling like Witcher 3, Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption. I love fantasy, so I have read a lot of Warcraft books. I’m a big fan of movies overall like Marvel movies, Harry Potter movies/books, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars — everything with an astonishing magical story amazed me. However after starting a family, I had to reduce time spent on computer games due to family priorities. Nonetheless the gamer spirit still lives within me and now I am more of a console, smartphone gamer.

What are you most excited about with Cryptomeda?

I am most excited about the game we are currently building. I genuinely hope that the community will be delighted with the gameplay and continue to support us. With our team filled with gamers, putting our heads together to deliver a fun and thrilling gaming experience, combined with an income generation mechanism truly excites us. Besides that, I would like to create a Crypto based world with lots of stories to tell, to free the mind from worldly responsibilities, and have some fun.

Who is your favorite superhero, and why?

I don’t have any specific favorite superhero. While others idolize their favorite heroes, I am more fascinated by the story of the superhero character. What Heroes in comics do have in common is an experience of some tragedy in their lives, which motivates them to do good. But if I had to pick just one, it would be Batman. He doesn’t need any superpowers. He is just using his fighting skills, brain, and money to do good for his community.

How did you get into art/design?

When I was five years old, I was sitting in front of a TV with a pencil and paper watching Cartoon Network shows like Spider-man, X-men, Fantastic Four, Batman, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was drawing the characters of those cartoons daily and I simply enjoyed it. Over time it became my passion. I can consider this as the start of my Design career. When I was a little older, I jumped on every design opportunity, such as graphic design, advertisement, animations, 3D modeling, 2D animations, illustration, web design, and video production. I was trying to find myself. Then the market shapes my career to go on the path of web design and UX/UI design. Every UX/UI designer knows that this profession isn’t about the beautiful artistic job but finding solutions to client’s problems. However, I felt I couldn’t express myself sufficiently through art by solely being a UX/UI designer. So on evenings and nights, I was learning drawing techniques because I missed it, and I wanted to be good at it. I have gathered a lot of experience in the business side of design and the Art side. My next challenge is to learn better skills with 3D modeling. Someday when my son is older, I would like to design a character for him and then print it with the 3D printer.

What is one part of the game you want to share with the community?

In the game, you are one of the chosen ones in the Cryptomeda space, who is connected with the Meda energy in the universe. This connection gives you formidable powers. To get control over these powers, you have to wear a special armlet. You will be one of the Defenders of the Cryptomeda sent on a mission to find and take over places on the planet where Meda energy flourish and is available for harvest. You will strike on unknown enemies, and you have to resolve unique situations aggressively.

Any closing remarks for the community?

The Cryptomeda Team works hard day and night to create and deliver Cryptomeda uniquely, to satisfy our community, and bring something new and extraordinary to the NFT space. It takes a lot of effort to succeed in the crypto space, but we are fully committed to this project and are focused on our goals. With our team’s dedication and perhaps a stroke of luck, I believe Cryptomeda will have a bright future.

About Cryptomeda

Cryptomeda is a complete in-game ecosystem based on Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs), complete with in-game marketplace, NFT collectibles, exciting gameplay, staking, and much more. Cryptomeda aims to make the crypto world fun and easy for all levels of experience and is an entertainment platform that will provide users with a number of opportunities to earn NFT Collectibles, and trade them on the platform. The platform is backed by the native currency of Cryptomeda — TECH Tokens, which would enable all trade and commerce within the platform.

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We aim to create a fantasy NFT ecosystem - a new kind of entertainment that opens the door for mass adoption.