These Stakes Have A Lot Of Sizzle! It’s Time To Talk Updates!

4 min readMay 9, 2022

As you well know, staking is a major concept in Cryptomeda and we’d like to explain a lot of the features and benefits that we are introducing for our current members and in order to attract new members, as well. Staking and farming give you the chance to earn big rewards to help in your fight for Meda. Let’s start with rewards.

To earn rewards released by Cryptomeda, players are required to lock their TECH tokens in the staking pool for 2 months or LP (Liquidity Provider) tokens in the farming pool for 3 months. TECH rewards are then counted and distributed every Saturday at 23:35 (CET) by our staking smart contract. The equation for distributing weekly TECH tokens is the same for the staking and farming pools. Stakers will get their share of weekly rewards based on their pool share. On top of that, Cryptomeda will conduct weekly rewards for distributing NFT heroes. The larger share of the pool, the greater chance to win NFTs. You can read the complete explanation about staking in our article here.

In order to provide a better user experience, fight against inflation, and start connecting the staking platform with Cryptomeda games, we are going to make some changes in the staking platform. Everything will be interconnected within the Cryptomeda ecosystem — the staking platform, all Cryptomeda games, and the marketplace to better utilize TECH tokens. Starting on May 10th and right up until the launch of Meda Wars in the coming weeks, we will be implementing new updates constantly in order to give you the best experience possible.

Let It Rain With Airdrops!

Airdrops are a feature that we feel are important to offer our members. They help you. They help us. And they’re a lot of fun. To make up for the system update, we will release more NFTs as rewards. Watch for special airdrops of NFTs or TECH tokens supported by marketing campaigns. But, keep in mind that we will still distribute 20 NFT heroes to the weekly lottery for every pool. We will be airdropping NFT heroes, weapons, lands, and of course, TECH tokens at the right time to boost APR shortly. The bigger the membership in Cryptomeda, the better it is for everyone. So, we prepared this beneficial feature to attract new users.

Fresh Liquidity Incoming!

We understand that along with a greater number of players, we’ll need more liquidity. We will add a new farming pool [USDC/TECH] to increase highly needed liquidity. The new farming pool needs further development, but it won’t take too long to be released. Another pool [matic/tech] will later follow that, bringing the total number of pools up to four.

More Gaming Features

Staking in each pool will grant gaming benefits. Similar to the way your character gets a shield in Meda Shooter, the same idea will be implemented in all pools. Each pool will provide different gaming benefits, giving players the freedom and variety to choose different rewards but adding another strategy, as well. Our goal is to make the platform as fun and highly rewarding as possible, changes may be implemented to balance the gaming benefits for everybody.

The Future, Cryptomeda, And You

One of the primary objectives in staking and farming is to have 4 different pools with 1 NFT hero in each pool as a reward. Seems complicated? Not at all. It will all be understandable even for our newest members. If a player wants to have a chance to earn all 4 heroes from the collection for free and get all the gaming benefits from each pool — they will need to participate in all 4 pools.

Improving the staking service is one of our primary objectives, implemented as games themselves, adding more strategic choices for our community members and gamers, while also enhancing the user’s experience through graphics and animations, as well. All of these, and more, are geared toward providing a great gaming experience and growing our community for the benefit of all. Let’s go Meda Heroes!

About Cryptomeda

Cryptomeda is a gaming ecosystem that blends one-of-a-kind NFT collectibles, DeFi mechanics, and crypto characters into an exciting sci-fi world. Players of all experience levels can explore Cryptomeda and find various opportunities to earn. Opportunities include finding rare collectibles, winning prize pools, receiving ranked rewards, or acquiring an ultra-rare Revolution card; traversing the world of Cryptomeda is both fun and highly rewarding. All economic activity is facilitated by one unified currency — TECH tokens, which would enable trade and commerce within the platform to tie the world together.
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