Who is the main hero in the Meda wars?

3 min readDec 14, 2021

Main Protagonist

Your character is unique due to your sensitivity to Meda energy. As tradition mentions, can each individual with enough Meda sensitivity experience a special ceremony or ritual? No one exactly knows. What is only known is where everyone likes you need to go. The place is called “ The Crucible.” Once you enter and the door closes behind you, you either come back as a powerful individual who can control Meda’s energy and do wonderful and terrible things alike or die during the unforgiving days within Crucible. You will leave as a new individual with great power controllable by Armlet. More details on how important role Armlet is playing story and gameplay-wise very soon.

The Crucible

The Crucible is a place between Renegade and Goliath factions territory. Its sacred zone is Neutral, so both faction individuals are welcomed. Both factions need to respect the rule and are forbidden to solve any conflicts at Crucible territory as a place of neutrality.

In bullet points:

• When a citizen of either faction realizes they are sensitive to Meda, they can go somewhere special.

• This place is called ‘the Crucible.’

• The Crucible is a school/training monastery for people with Meda awareness.

• These people can travel there and ask to enter.

• They are given tests to see if they have enough Meda awareness to join the Crucible.

• If they have enough, they are allowed to join.

• Sometimes, even the first test for Meda awareness can kill an applicant.

• When they enter Goliath or Renegade, they are all treated equally.

• Once they enter, the candidates must undergo rigorous training and tests.

• Many of the tests can potentially kill them.

• They are also taught the history and identities of both factions equally.

• If they pass the tests and train their abilities successfully, they can graduate from the Crucible.

• When they graduate, they are given an armlet.

• After being given an armlet, they can choose which faction they wish to join.

• After choosing which faction they wish to join, they are given their helmet.

• The helmet identifies them as a hero.

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